When marketing a property, there are some fundamental DO’s & DON'Ts we’d like to recommend.
DO use clear, representative and well-lit images
DO allude to the appeal of the area, the nearby lifestyle and amenities
DO use Hawaii Life Blue or White for arrows and property outlines
DO feature aerial photos for vacant land listings
DO feature photos shot during different times of the day
DON’T use cartoon-like red or yellow arrows and outlines
DON’T use dark pictures from a cloudy day
DO - Bright and Well Lit
DON’T - Too Dark
DO keep MLS listing videos under two minutes and social media videos under thirty seconds
DO use relevant music that fits the edit
DO use intuitive and relevant pacing between frames
DO use a mixture of photos and videos
DO call to action that leads to HawaiiLife.com listing page
DO keep title fonts consistent and use Whitney or Open Sans font styles
DON’T use too many titles
DON’T use poorly lit video that doesn’t show the home at its best
DO use an attention grabbing first sentence
DO use spell and grammar check
DO use abbreviations that make sense to the average reader
DO include the property address in the listing description
DON’T use bold font, ALL CAPS, exclamation points or red arrows
DON’T use overly wordy descriptions or flowery language
DON’T tell the reader how they will feel
DON’T use clichés like “piece of paradise”, “dream home”, “making your dreams come true”, “Shangri-La”, “Must See”
DON’T make financial projections, for example “good investment”
DO describe the surrounding area and lifestyle
DO detail the conveniences and amenities available nearby
DO share images in your blogs of the surrounding area, not just of the home itself
DO showcase your knowledge of architecture and design
DO highlight your market knowledge by putting the home and listing in a larger context (competitive pricing, inventory in the neighborhood, performance of investments in the neighborhood in recent years and market trends)
DO use verbiage that is relevant to the buyers property search
DO include one link to your personal site within each blog post
DO create a link to the words “contact me” to your Agent profile
DON’T use clichés like “paradise” and “dream home”
DON’T forget to run a spell and grammar check
DON’T use images you don’t own or have express written permission to use
DON’T blog in silos, but try to connect your listing copy with linked text to other blog content about the area, conveniences, lifestyle and things to do
DON’T violate the Fair Housing Act. Remove words like “Ohana”, “Family”, “Investment”, “Income”, “School”, “within walking distance”
Social Media
DO keep your copy short and sweet, enticing and appealing
DO include video and images in your posts (these rule in this space!)
DO use the best image and leading example of the home’s best feature
DO include an MLS number for the subject property and link it back to the HL listing page ie. (MLS# 12345)
DON’T tell the whole story in your post, but rather, share links to the full story stored elsewhere (in your blogs, your listing and your video)
DON’T pitch. Social media isn’t about pitching. It’s about interacting
DON’T promise or predict the future such as potential rental income or timing to sell
DON’T overuse hashtags